How to ask your clients for referrals to grow your business

Thank you ideas for clients

We’ve been talking about client referrals quite a lot in the Allotment this month. Your clients are in prime position to make quality referrals – after all, they’ve experienced your magic in action, so should be brilliant advocates.

So after you have asked (and if you are not sure the best way to do this, may I direct your gaze in the direction of the latest complimentary tool in the Tool Shed, the Client Referral Action Checklist, which will give you lots of ideas for how to ask for client referrals) – what then?

A big, beautiful thank you, that’s what.

Of course, you can formally incentivise your clients to refer you with all sorts of alluring morsels, and some of these thank you ideas will work in both situations, but sometimes, a well thought out or creative thank you is perfect for showing your appreciation.

Here are 15 ideas to peruse, to pick from and make your own. Most cost very little, some nothing but a bit of your time. You’ll notice that emails do not make the list, because saying thank you for a referral really justifies something that has taken a smidge more thought and effort to create. Sorry email, but you’re just not up to the job.

1.       A card. Let’s not over-complicate things. In so many cases, a humble card with a handwritten message is all the thank you gesture that is needed, as it means so much to receive. If you have a bit of crafty talent, make the card yourself to make it truly unique – or support a small craft business and buy cards from them.

2.       Chocolates. Kind of thank you 101, but again, find a small business that makes them. You don’t need to break the bank by handing over half a kilo of confectionery, small is a perfectly-formed chocolate thank you. Perhaps your small business chocolatier will give you a discount if you also promote their business?

3.       Flowers. Okay, flowers have a bad rap due to the hastily-purchased-from-the-petrol-station vibe they sometimes have. I know that some people love flowers, personally, the stress of finding a vase, keeping them alive and sweeping up the flower dropping too much. So consider your client – maybe a cool cactus or super succulent will hit the spot. Online businesses like Bloom & Wild can make it simple to send something lovely.

4.       Stationery. Certain people LOVE a bit of stationery. Papyrophiliacs, the lot of them. And for people who love it, there is no such thing as too much stationery. Get notebooks, pencils, pens, Post-It notes or books of sticky mini notes branded with your logo and tag line, so that your thank you gift is also doing a bit of long-term marketing for you. (Check out Business Shed member Chilli Promotional Products for inspiration).

5.       Video. Record a thank you video. Super simple, but the ultimate in personalised messaging.

6.       Charity donation. Give a donation to the client’s favourite charity as a thank you.

7.       More of you. Some clients would really appreciate a discount off your products or service as a thank you, or a free upgrade or bonus of some kind.

8.       Tea break gift box. Put together an inexpensive box of treats – an individually wrapped tea bag or sachet of luxury coffee, a small bag of sweets or biscuits, a magazine they might like and so on, so they can have a deluxe tea break on you.

9.       Coffee to go. Search up their nearest coffee shop and order a gift voucher (if it’s a chain, you can go to your nearest). Mail it to them in a takeaway cup or reusable cup and gift them a drink or two of their choice to say thanks.

10.   Plant a tree. For every referral, plant a tree. There are lots of organisations that can do this on your behalf – the Business Allotment is part of the Just One Tree initiative.

11.   Sounds great. Put together a thank you playlist on Spotify and send your client a link to give them a musical lift!

12.   Reciprocate. Ask your client who you specifically can find as a referral for them, and keep it front of mind in your networking until you can make an introduction as a thank you.

13.   Give them time. If you are a service based business, can you gift your client some time? A 30 minute session of something? Time has huge value attached to it, particularly when coupled with your expertise.

14.   Book it. Send your client a book you have loved, or a book you think they will love.

15.   Referral ring. Set up a referral ring. Bear with me on this – I have only just had this idea, but I kind of like it. Find a small group of like-minded businesses who all offer a gift of similar value – a taster product, 30 minutes of time, a piece of valuable content – and your client can choose the thank you they want from any business in your referral ring. All the businesses get potential exposure to new clients and it’s a unique way to say thanks with something they really want!

15 and a bit, for a bit of fun. Lucky Dip. Create a random selection method (anything from getting someone throwing two dice to asking your client for a number between 1 and 10) and have a selection of thank yous that will be randomly selected for your client.

There we go. 15 (and a bit) ideas to say thank you for those lovely, shiny, exciting client referrals.

And don’t forget, if you haven’t quite got your ideas and process sorted for getting the referrals in the first place, have a wander over to the Tool Shed, our complimentary resource area, where you will find just to tool to help.

I hope these ideas will help you get more referrals and say thank you in a meaningful way. You can thank me later. With a number 2, 4, or 11, in case you’re wondering.


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