Welcome to the grassy corner of the Allotment where our blogs are grown. Read about how to grow an ideas pipeline, how to make a business more creative, what the power growth questions, how to get over creative block and a whole field of other ideas…

Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Stop working to grow your business

Running and growing a small business can sometimes feel very much like a hamster on a wheel, where the hamster has to wear 68 different hats, carry 32 bags with important stuff in whilst talking with authority on a subject of choice in a calm and authoritative manner, not yet realising that there’s a used tissue stuck to the sole of its foot.

You’re the hamster, just in case that wasn’t clear.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

How to get over creative block

Even the most creative of us get creatively constipated.

But all you really need are five verbs to get over your creative block and unlock new ideas. Read on to find out how…

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Get to know your clients quicker, faster, better

We all know that the more we get to know our clients, the better the relationship, so the more we can pre-empt needs and the easier client retention gets.

A client retention strategy should not be left to chance, nor to a ‘quick, they’re in, lock the door and glue their feet to the floor’ strategy. We all want stickier customers, but not that sort.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Give your brand story the share factor

So how do you get your brand story shared? How do you know if your story has the share factor? (Share factor is like the X-Factor, but without all the hysteria, gurning presenters and a LOT less glitter falling from the ceiling).

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

9 gifts that will inspire creativity

Want to find a gift that inspires creativity? Well look no further, here are 9 presents that anyone would be thrilled to find in their stocking…

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Why drawing is your strategic superpower

Creativity has nothing to do with drawing. I say this frequently, when people profess to not be creative because they cannot draw.

Pfft. As if that has anything to do with it.

But wait.

Your drawing capability may not have any bearing on how creative you are, but can drawing help you be a more creative business owner?

You bet your 2B shading pencil it can.

Here’s how to create a business strategy with doodles…

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

3 questions to ask when building a business vision

There are sackfuls of useful questions that can help you think about what you want your business to be in a year’s time, and you can end up with a mass of thoughts and ideas that don’t seem to cohere into anything useful. The trick is to explore lots of thinking, have lots of ideas and then spend time editing and reducing these into something small, well-formed and useful.

So here’s three that I find are a really good place to start.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

How to make accountability fun (oh yes you can)

Accountability is the least sexy bit of the strategic plan that makes all the difference. Business owners can struggle with accountability, because let’s face it, it’s dull. Or is it? read on for some creative ways to build accountability into your business that work.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Your brand as a visual metaphor

If you are shaping your brand story, a visual metaphor is a great place to start to help you get to the heart of what your brand is all about.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

3 ways to turn your website into a fantastic marketing tool

Getting a website isn’t a tick box exercise. A website should be an investment that if used well can be a fantastic marketing tool for your business.

Here are three key things you should be doing to ensure your website is doing just this for you.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

The business case for free

Lead magnets, engagement tools, free resources – call them what you will - they are an important part of a small business’ marketing tool kit. I’m here to make the business case for free, specifically with regard to engagement tools and free resources. Done well, they can be a powerful sales tool, which of course, turns FREE into PAID.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Three steps to an email content plan

Email content is one of the most powerful growth tools for a small business if done right. But where to start? With this blog, outlining three steps to a simple email content plann

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Coronation marketing (shoehorns assemble)

We’re reaching peak Coronation-themed marketing as the UK rolls into the Coronation weekend. We take a quick look at a few brands who have shoehorned the royal theme onto their products, so put down your flag and read on (fervent Royalists, avert your gaze now).

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Get creative with your business comms

There’s no getting away from it, newsletters or regular email communications are a fantastic way to keep your audience engaged, and moving closer to purchase or re-purchase. This blog will help you sprinkle some creative thinking on your comms creation to really stand them out from the crowd(ed inbox).

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

How to design the right offboarding process

Is this the bit of doing business that no one ever wants to talk about?

I Googled ‘How to offboard clients’ and the first thing that cheeky little search engine said to me was ‘Did you mean how to onboard clients?’.

A great offboarding process delivers so much benefit back into your business, and makes it more likely that customer will buy again.

Here’s a quick run down of some of the things to consider when you are designing your offboarding process.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Building creative habits for better business ideas

Building a business with ideas takes creativity, and that means putting ideas at the very heart of everything. So as a business owner, building creative habits into your daily or weekly routine is the first step. Here’s 6 to get you started.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

5 creativity-boosting stocking fillers

The Top 5 Creative Stocking fillers… look no further than this hand-picked list of Christmas stocking fillers to boost creative thinking, help with idea generation and inspiration!

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